Erskine Activity Centre Reaches out to Veterans in Community

The Erskine Reid Macewen Activity Centre (ERMAC) looks forward to welcoming more Veterans through its doors following significant investment and refurbishment.

Located in the heart of the Erskine Veterans’ Village in Bishopton, the centre opened its doors in 2018 as an initial one-year pilot project. The principal aim was to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of Veterans in the community and the results have been overwhelming.

 Now the centre is set to increase capacity and support accessibility, to build on success of the previous years.

Debs Dickson, Erskine Reid Macewen Activity Centre Manager, said: “The expansion and refurbishment programme is now complete and we are proactively recruiting new members. Our aim is to increase capacity of service to support 40 Veterans per day. I can say without any doubt that time spent with us will be a unique and rewarding experience, surrounded by a friendly community spirit.”

She continued:  “One of the reasons the centre is so successful is because once attending, many of the Veterans realise just how much they have to offer to their fellow comrades. From forgotten talents – once again remembered and shared, to the simplicity of reaching out a helping hand to someone who is struggling, the results are heart-warming”.

One Veteran said: “Coming to this centre has been life changing for me. It has given me structure, a sense of belonging and a routine. I feel better about myself and I have met so many nice people”.

The Centre will be holding open days on 31st March and 1st April, showcasing the new facilities and some of the wide and varied range of activities available on a weekly basis at the Centre.

Debs said: “During our open days there will be activities such as; art, pottery, woodwork, IT, therapy, gardening, model making, Tai Chi and genealogy. We are delighted to be reaching out to even more Veterans and hope many visiting on these days will join the centre. If you are a Veteran, you are more than are welcome to drop in and try any of the activities, have a cuppa and meet the troops.”

More information on what will be available during the open days can be found on our website


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