Devon and Cornwall Police have been widely praised after the policing of the G7 summit in Cornwall recently went without a hitch.
It can now be revealed that the force was aided by some of the most ground-breaking technology available to them, thanks to digital forensic specialists Forensic Analytics.
The company, based in Hertfordshire, is the leading provider of the latest innovative solutions to UK police forces to help them in the fight against crime.
For the G7 summit, Devon and Cornwall Police needed the most up-to-date equipment available to conduct Radio Frequency Propagation Surveys (RFPS) so a full and super-accurate picture could be built to measure what was operating on air in the precise area of the summit at any particular time.
As heads of state from around the world were gathering in Carbis Bay, Forensic Analytics provided them with LIMA Cell Monitors, easy-to-use radio frequency hardware built specifically to provide highly accurate law enforcement evidential scanning in super quick real time.
LIMA designed and built by Group 2000 in the Netherlands is simple to set up, is weatherproof, shockproof and easy to carry in a rucksack, providing flexibility, reliability, and capability like never before for fulfilling RF tasks.
It emulates mobile handset behaviour and can provide both idle and active mode surveying to accurately identify which cell is carrying a call.

Crucially, it is 5G ready, providing evidential quality data from 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G cellular and Wi-Fi RF surveying, and its instant snapshot scanning function captures what is “on air” across the full cellular spectrum.
Also, LIMA is capable of easy configuration – a game-changing capability for a multi-SIM RF survey solution. It was able to configure each of its 12 modems within seconds, something which RF surveyors have never been able to do.
LIMA operators selected four key and strategic locations where they could run a series of single-pass scans of all mobile networks and their respective cellular technologies.
Each scan takes just 90 seconds to complete a picture from which the operators can formulate a survey plan. A combination of drive and walking surveys then took place with LIMA Cell Monitor’s providing super-accurate and stable GPS location efficiency tagging each cellular measurement for plotting on a map.
Steve Rick, Chief Executive of Forensic Analytics, said: “LIMA is a revolutionary piece of kit, and showed just what it is capable of achieving at the G7 summit. We were delighted that Devon and Cornwall Police were able to be one of the first forces in the UK to benefit from its amazing capabilities.
“However, the successful RF surveying of LIMA was matched by the ongoing capabilities of our Cell Site Analysis Suite (CSAS). This tactical policing solution was able to simplify and visualise the data from the RF surveying instantly, saving crucial time for police during what was a complex operation during the G7 summit.
“CSAS handles many data sets, and can help pinpoint the most relevant data from cell site records and rapidly analyse it to find patterns. This is done in seconds and results in fully fleshed out evidence with a full audit trail. This is technology of the future which is here now, and is changing the face of modern policing.”
DC Mark Parfey of Devon & Cornwall Police said: “We surveyed four separate locations and their perimeters at the G7 Summit and LIMA’s ability to take measurements once per second per modem represents a great increase in the data we are now able to gather.
“The scan feature is so useful because this gives an overview of the state of the radio environment and allows us to determine which cells are on air so we can now decide which cells to lock to if need be.”
To find out more about LIMA, watch this video on the Forensic Analytics homepage.