A local family-run utilities business says it stands ready to offer every care home in the UK a free water and waste evaluation as the sector recovers from Covid-19.
Linlithgow-based DB Group has made the offer in a bid to support a care home industry still caught in the frontline of the pandemic, by making sure that care home owners are getting the best value for money from their supply contracts.
DB Group works across the utilities market delivering business solutions for its customers in energy, communications, environment and water, ultimately helping them save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
Kirsty Christie, head of DB Water, explained: “We are offering a free review to care homes as we know that their priority over the last 18 months has probably been keeping their residents safe and healthy and not necessarily on checking their water bills for accuracy, best rates or potential overcharges.
“We thought it would make their lives easier if they could use a trusted and knowledgeable third party to review what they have in place, identify all potential savings and facilitate getting those savings all at no cost to the care home.”
Since DB Group was formed in 1996 it has procured more than 1,800 supply contracts, helping thousands of water customers across the UK.
Kirsty added: “The benefit is that where these businesses have no supply contract in place or have let their contracts lapse, they will likely be paying default rates rather than receiving discounted rates.
“Discounts available typically range between one per cent and 25 per cent with potential overcharges costing customers thousands of pounds every year. A review will either deliver these savings or give peace of mind that the business is receiving value for money.”
Organisations within the care industry interested in a free, independent, evaluation of their water and waste bills can book an appointment on https://dbgroupeurope.com/.
DB Group, based at Enterprise Park off Mill Road, offers a business-to-business utility (electricity, gas, water and telecommunications) management service, delivering strategies which save businesses money and help reduce their carbon footprint.